Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weird April Holidays

Each month has its share of weird holidays.  What a great excuse to have a party!  Let's take a look at what April has to offer.

The first week of April gives us 7 days devoted to International Pooper Scooper Week where we make sure those with pets know how to clean up after them so everyone can have a pleasant walk in the park and along the sidewalk.

The third Saturday in April is Husband Appreciation Day.  There's a lot of responsibilities placed on a husband and things has to do to be a good one.  No everyone is lucky enough to have a good husband, but those who do should take this day to show their appreciation.

April 1—April Fool's Day:  A day of funny items, gag gifts, and practical jokes.  Lots of fun for those pulling the prank and not so much fun for those of the receiving end.  The danger with this day is taking it too far.  Don't cross the line from fun over to humiliation.  And make sure you don't end up damaging someone's property.

April 4—World Rat Day:  This a newcomer to the holiday list, started in 2002.  Before you let out a string of "ew", this holiday is to celebrate the pet rat, not the wild rat.

April 7—National Beer Day:  This is primarily a U.S. holiday and commemorates the end of 13 years of Prohibition

April 10—Golfer's Day:  This is a day for golfers to be thankful the game was invented and celebrate it by…playing golf.

April 12—National Licorice Day:  If you enjoy this oddly flavored root, then use this day to get someone else to give it a try.

April 20—Look Alike Day:  Whether it's a celebrity, family member, friend…someone you admire.  This is the day to show them that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

April 22—National Jelly Bean Day:  A good day to enjoy them and to give them as gifts in all different flavors.

April 26—National Pretzel Day:  The pretzel dates back over a thousand years to France where monks baked strips of dough into the shape of folded arms.  This grew into today's huge snack industry.

April 29—International Dance Day:  Originally created to commemorate the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (creator of modern ballet).  Today it covers all forms of dance.

April 30—National Honesty Day:  This is a tricky one, like a two-headed coin.  One side says it's important to always tell the truth.  The other side says that a lot of people don't want to hear the truth.

There is at least one weird holiday for each day of April.  Some of the others include Sorry Charlie Day on April 6 for people who have lived through rejection.  And to counter Honesty Day we have Tell-A-Lie Day on April 4.  Blame Somebody Else Day falls on April 13.

Do you have any special "weird" April holiday that you celebrate?


L.M. Brown said...

Wow, there are some very strange holidays there. The only one I have heard of is April Fools Day. LOL

Shawna Delacorte said...

L.M.: Same here, April Fool's Day is the only one I was aware of. I discovered that there is at least one holiday for each day of the month and some of them are beyond weird. :)

Thanks for your comment.