Saturday, September 25, 2021

Skeleton In A Tree

I came across this news story about an incident that happened in County Sligo, Ireland, in September 2015 and decided to share it on my blog. It seemed appropriate since October is this Friday, the month of Halloween that gives us spooky happenings and things that go bump in the night.

A storm knocked down a 215 year old tree in northwestern Ireland and archeologists discovered a human skeleton tangled in its roots. The skeleton of a young man between the ages of 17 and 20 was determined to be approximately 1000 years old. Numerous injuries were found on his ribs and hand indicating he "suffered a violent death."

The lower leg bones remained in the grave, but the upper part of the body had become tangled in the tree roots, thus being exposed when the tree blew over in a storm. Radiocarbon dating indicated the remains go back to early medieval times, between 1030 and 1200AD. It was assumed that he came from a local Gaelic family and had been killed in a local conflict/battle or personal dispute rather than an incident connected to the Anglo-Norman invasion which occurred in 1169.

The original position of the skeleton indicated that he had received a formal Christian burial, but nothing else was found with the remains. The skeleton is still being studied to see what other information it will yield. It was the only skeleton found in the excavation. 


Ilona Fridl said...

Wow! How interesting. Could be that the tree took root after he was buried.

Shawna Delacorte said...

Ilona: Definitely. The skeleton was approx. 1000 years old and the skeleton was only about 215 years old.

Thanks for your comment.

Shawna Delacorte said...

Ilona: OOPS...just noticed my typing error. My above response should have read that the skeleton was approx. 1000 years old and the TREE was only about 215 years old. Changes the entire concept of what happened when. :)