Saturday, January 28, 2023

Bizarre and Unique February Holidays

February may be a short month, but it certainly is not short on the bizarre, unique, and weird when it comes to holidays—celebrations above and beyond the legal holidays where government offices, banks, and schools are closed for the day.

There are several month long designations in February:  American Heart Month, An Affair To Remember Month, Black History Month, Canned Food Month, Creative Romance Month, Great American Pie Month, National Cherry Month, National Children's Dental Health Month, National Grapefruit Month, and National Wedding Month.

February also has a week long celebration: the third week is International Flirting Week.

Hmmm…American Heart Month, An Affair To Remember Month, Creative Romance Month, National Wedding Month, and International Flirting Week.  How appropriate that they should all be in the month that gives us Valentine's Day.  :)

Feb. 1              National Freedom Day

Feb. 2              Ground Hog Day

Always celebrated on February 2.  On this day, the groundhog awakens from a long winter's nap and goes outside of his den.  If he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter.  If he does not see his shadow, Spring is rapidly approaching.  The tradition comes from the German roots of Candlemas which is the midpoint between Winter and Spring.

Feb. 2              Candlemas

Feb. 3              The Day The Music Died

Always celebrated on February 3. On this date in 1959 singers Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash.  The event was immortalized in the popular song, American Pie, written and recorded by Don McLean.

Feb. 4              Create A Vacuum Day

Feb. 4              Thank A Mailman Day

Feb. 5              National Weatherman's Day

Always celebrated on February 5.  According to the Air Force News, this holiday "commemorates the birth of John Jeffries, one of America's first weathermen."  He was born on February 5, 1744, and kept weather records from 1774 to 1816.  This holiday honors the men and women who work hard to accurately predict the often fickle weather.  Even with the major technological advances including super computers and satellites, forecasting weather is still a tricky, ever changing, and always challenging task.

Feb. 6              Lame Duck Day

Feb. 7              Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day

Feb. 7              Send A Card To A Friend Day (a holiday created by Hallmark?)

Feb. 8              Boy Scout Day

Feb. 8              Kite Flying Day

Always celebrated on February 8 (but why in the middle of winter?).  People have enjoyed flying kites for thousands of years, both children and adults.  The most well-known kite flyer is undoubtedly Benjamin Franklin with his key and lightning experiment.  Kites were first used by the military in ancient China over 3,000 years ago.

Feb. 9              Toothache Day

Feb. 10            Umbrella Day

Feb. 11            Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day

Feb. 11            Make A Friend Day

Feb. 11            White T-Shirt Day

Feb. 12            Plum Pudding Day

Feb. 12            Abraham Lincoln's Birthday (combined with George Washington's birthday, it's legally celebrated as President's Day the third Monday of February, on the 20th this year)

Feb. 13            Clean Out Your Computer Day (the 2nd Monday of the month)

Feb. 13            Get A Different Name Day

Always celebrated on February 13.  This day is for those who are not fond of their given name.  It's the day to take steps to change your name (and don't forget to notify those who need to know about your new name).

Feb. 14            Ferris Wheel Day

Feb. 14            National Organ Donor Day

Feb. 14            Valentine's Day

Feb. 15            Candlemas (on the old Julian Calendar)

Feb. 15            National Gum Drop Day

Feb. 15            Singles Awareness Day

Feb. 16            Do A Grouch A Favor Day

Feb. 17            Random Acts of Kindness Day

Always celebrated on February 17.  You know what to do…perform a few random acts of kindness.  Almost any kind deed will do.  And remember—Random Acts of Kindness is highly contagious.

Feb. 18            National Battery Day

Feb. 19            National Chocolate Mint Day

Feb. 20            President's Day

A combination of Lincoln's birthday and Washington's birthday always celebrated on the third Monday of the month.

Feb. 20            Cherry Pie Day

Feb. 20            Hoodie Hoo Day

Always celebrated on February 20.  On this winter day, people go out at noon, wave their hands over their heads and chant "Hoodie-Hoo."  This is the day to chase away the winter blahs (in the Northern Hemisphere).

Feb. 20            Love Your Pet Day

Feb. 21            Card Reader Day (another Hallmark creation or a computer port for SD cards?)

Feb. 22            George Washington's Birthday (combined with Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, it's celebrated as the legal holiday of President's Day on the third Monday of February, on the 20th this year).

Feb. 22            Be Humble Day

Feb. 22            Walking The Dog Day

Feb. 22            International World Thinking Day

Feb. 23            International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Feb. 23            Tennis Day

Feb. 24            National Tortilla Chip Day

Always celebrated on February 24.  The corn chip recipe was brought to the U.S. from Mexico by a Texas businessman.  Just a few decades ago, Americans seldom ate corn chips and salsa.  Today it's wildly popular.

Feb. 25            Pistol Patent Day

Feb. 26            National Pistachio Day

Feb. 26            Tell A Fairy Tale Day

Feb. 27            Polar Bear Day

Feb. 27            No Brainer Day

Always celebrated on February 27th.  By definition, a no brainer is doing something simple, easy, obvious, and/or totally logical.  If a project requires thinking, study, or analysis of any kind, then this is not the day for it.

Feb. 28            Floral Design Day

Feb. 28            Public Sleeping Day

Feb. 28            National Tooth Fairy Day (sometimes celebrated on August 22)

So…enjoy your favorite bizarre, weird, and unique celebration/holiday.

1 comment:

Shawna Delacorte said...

Ilona: Yep, those are the tree biggies for February.

Thanks for your comment.