Saturday, May 27, 2023

Bizarre and Unique June Holidays

June brings the official start of summer with the arrival of the Summer Solstice, the day that provides us with the most daylight hours of any day during the year. June brings us some big nationally recognized holidays, too, such as Father's Day, Flag Day, and the new federal holiday of Juneteenth. Like other months, June National holidays and world holidays are plentiful.

There are several month long designations in June:  Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, Aquarium Month, Candy Month, Dairy Month, Effective Communications Month, Fight the Filthy Fly Month, Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, Great Outdoors Month, National Accordion Awareness Month, National Adopt a Cat Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, National Iced Tea Month, Rose Month, and Turkey Lovers Month.

June also has week long celebrations: week one is Fishing Week and also National Gardening Week, week two is Email Week and also Flag Week, and the last full week of the month is Lightning Safety Week.

June 1             Dare Day

                        Flip A Coin Day

June 2             National Bubba Day

                        National Doughnut Day is always the first Friday in June

                        Flip Flop Day is the Friday after Memorial Day

                        National Rocky Road Day

June 3             National Trails Day is the first Saturday in June

                        Repeat Day (I said "Repeat Day"—reminds me of the cartoon character Foghorn Leghorn from the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoons)

                        World Bicycle Day

June 4            Applesauce Cake Day—It seems a little odd to celebrate this day in June since the apple harvest is in the Fall. It doesn’t take much to enjoy Applesauce Cake Day. Just eat a piece of applesauce cake. The only problem is finding it. If you’re lucky, a bakery or a restaurant will offer it as a special today. Otherwise, you may have to make an applesauce cake from scratch.

                        Hug Your Cat Day

                        National Cheese Day

                        National Frozen Yogurt Day—first Sunday in June

                        Old Maid's Day

June 5             Hot Air Balloon Day—Hot air balloons were invented in France in the 1700s. Albuquerque, N.M. hosts the world’s largest hot air balloon festival each year. Over 750 balloons are at the annual festival. However, it happens in October.

                        World Environment Day

June 6             National Gardening Exercise Day—Get out and exercise with your plants.

                        National Yo-Yo Day

June 7             National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

June 8             Best Friends Day

                        Name Your Poison Day

                        World Ocean Day

June 9             Donald Duck Day—Donald first appeared in “The Wise Hen” on June 9, 1934.  While Donald is 89 years old today, he doesn’t act a day over 20. Donald is one of Disney’s most famous and popular characters.

                        National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day

June 10           Ball Point Pen Day

                        Herb and Spices Day

                        Iced Tea Day

June 11           National Children's Day

                        National Corn On The Cob Day

 June 12          National Jerky Day

                        National Peanut Butter Cookie Day

                        Red Rose Day

June 13           National Weed Your Garden Day

                        Sewing Machine Day

June 14           Monkey Around Day

                        Nursing Assistants Day—date varies

June 15           National Nature Photography Day

                        National Prune Day

                        Smile Power Day—Give everyone you see a big, friendly, “I like you” smile. They make you happy. You never know, you’re warm smile just might turn someone’s day right around…for the good!

                        Global Wind Day

June 16           Fresh Veggies Day

                        International Waterfall Day—From water falling a few inches to a foot or more over rocks in a babbling brook, to the thundering cascade of Niagara Falls, people all over the world are absolutely enthralled by waterfalls. The power and sound of the crashing water thrill and amaze onlookers. Each waterfall is unique and beautiful in its own way. Each waterfall has its own character, and no two are quite alike.

                        Take A Road Trip Day—third Friday in June

June 17           Eat Your Vegetables Day

                        National Hollerin' Contest Day—third Saturday in June

                        World Juggler's Day—Saturday closest to June 17th

June 18           Go Fishing Day

                        International Panic Day

                        International Picnic Day

                        Sushi Day

                        National Splurge Day—Oh Yeah!!

                        National Turkey Lovers Day—third Sunday in June

June 19           National Kissing Day—Kissing is so special that we get two holidays to enjoy it. You can choose to participate in International Kissing Day on July 6 or National Kissing Day on June 19.

                        World Sauntering Day

June 20           Ice Cream Soda Day

                        National Bald Eagle Day

June 21           Go Skateboarding Day

                        International Yoga Day

                        National Sea Shell Day

                        National Selfie Day

June22            Chinese Dragon Boat Festival—date varies

                        National Chocolate Éclair Day

                        National Onion Ring Day

                        World Rainforest Day

June 23           Let It Go Day

                        National Food Truck Day—fourth Friday in June

                        National Pink Day

                        Take Your Dog To Work Day—Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day. There is a risk in doing this. We know he won’t complain, as he always wants to spend more time with you. But, what if he does a better job than you!? This holiday is the Friday after Father’s Day.

June 24           International Fairy (or Faery) Day

                        Swim A Lap Day

June 25           Log Cabin Day

                        National Catfish Day

June 26           Beautician's Day

                        Forgiveness Day

                        National Canoe Day

June 27           National Columnists Day—fourth Tuesday in June

                        National Onion Day

                        Sun Glasses Day

June 28           Insurance Awareness Day—Hmmm, I wonder who could have invented that?

                        International Body Piercing Day

                        Paul Bunyan Day

June 29           Camera Day

                        Hug Holiday

                        International Mud Day

                        National Handshake Day—the Thursday in June

                        Waffle Iron Day

June 30           Meteor Day

Amazingly, there are many days devoted to food and eating. So…enjoy your favorite bizarre, weird, and unique celebration/holiday. 


Ilona Fridl said...

And I thought Father's Day was the only one. Silly me!

Shawna Delacorte said...

Ilona: Actually there are 3 federally recognized holidays in June -- Flag Day, Father's Day, and Juneteenth is now federally recognized.

Thanks for your comment.