Saturday, May 25, 2024

CHANGING THE PAST new release 2024-05-22

My new book release, Wednesday, May 22, 2024—CHANGING THE PAST, a contemporary romance by USA Today Bestselling author Shawna Delacorte, published by The Wild Rose Press in ebook and print.  Excerpts and other information available on my website 

This is the story of Meg Wainwright and Blaine Reeves, a love story Meg believed would last a lifetime. Then Blaine shattered her heart into a million pieces when he betrayed her love and trust by suddenly walking out on her without any warning or explanation. Now he is desperate to win back the only woman he ever loved.


Successful freelance photojournalist Meg Wainwright is offered the assignment of her dreams—photographing and writing a new line of travel books for a publisher in the UK. But when she arrives, she learns she’ll be working for the man who walked out on her ten years ago without an explanation and left her heartbroken.

Blaine Reeves regrets leaving the only woman he ever loved. Luring her to London without revealing his involvement might not be his best plan. He can only hope it’s not too late to change the past.

Excerpt #2:

A sudden thought brightened Blaine's dismal mood. He sat up straight. The answer to his immediate problem with Meg? His sister. He would buy Crista a plane ticket and have her come for a visit. He checked his watch to determine the time in New York, then reached for the phone and dialed her  number.

“Crista, it’s Blaine. What would you say to dropping everything and coming to London for a month? I can use your help with something.”

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s Meg.”

“Meg?” Crista’s genuine shock raced along the phone connection.

“Yes. She’s here. I hired her to photograph and write a new travel book, and, uh, well…” The proper words to explain his plight refused to materialize, words he hoped wouldn’t make it sound as manipulative as the reality of the situation.

“Let me guess. You thought you’d get her to London—she probably didn’t even know it was your company—and the moment she saw you she would magically fall into your arms and forgive you for everything that happened. Things would be just the way they were ten years ago before you screwed it up big time. Am I close?”

A combination of irritation and embarrassment forced the words out of his mouth. “Dammit, Crista. It’s bad enough that you can usually read me like a book. At least let me tell it my own way.” A sigh of resignation escaped his throat. “You are, of course, right.”

“So, what’s your problem?”

“Well, first of all she hasn’t been in a forgiving mood. Second, there’s Dennis Mallory.”

“What’s Dennis have to do with this?”

“You know Dennis. He tries to get every woman who crosses his path into his bed. He has taken Meg out to dinner a couple of times, and they’re going out again tonight. He has his sights set on her.”

“And just what do you think I can do about that?”

“I want you to keep an eye on Meg. See that Dennis doesn’t take advantage of her. Right now, she’s in a very vulnerable state, and I, uh, might even have to accept a little bit of responsibility for that.” He cleared his throat. “Just a little while ago I asked her to cancel her date with Dennis for tonight.”


“Let’s just say she didn’t take kindly to my suggestion.” Blaine took a steadying breath in an attempt to calm his rising panic. “That’s why I need you here, Crista. Help me make sure Dennis doesn’t seduce her, that she’ll be safe. Will you come? Right away? Like tonight?”

“This whole thing, tricking Meg into being there…” Crista’s tone conveyed her thoughts as clearly as her words. “This is, without a doubt, the dumbest thing you have ever done with the single exception of when you walked out on her originally.”

“Okay, it’s dumb. But will you do it? I’ll have a pre-paid ticket for you at the airline counter for whatever flight you want.”

Her voice teased. “That ticket will be first class, won’t it?”


Buy Links:

also available at other online vendors

Check my blog next week. I'll have an interview with Meg Wainwright and Blaine Reeves.


Ilona Fridl said...

Sounds like a winner!

Shawna Delacorte said...

Ilona: I hope so!! :)

Thanks for your comment.